发布时间:2019-04-10  浏览次数: 57







4月10日(星期三)  8:30-11:00


4月10日(星期三) 12:30-14:30


4月11日(星期四) 18:00-20:30


4月12日(星期五) 18:00-20:30


4月29日(星期一) 17:30-20:00



Chapter 1Preliminary information about stock assessment

Part I: Data analysis and basic statistics

Part II: Fish life history process: growth, maturation, recruitment, and mortality

Part III: Basic fish population dynamics models

Part IV. Biological reference points, harvest control rules and management strategy evaluation

Chapter 2: Stock assessment for Pacific saury in North Pacific Fisheries Commission

Part I: CPUE standardization and stock assessment for Pacific saury

Part II: How to write a stock assessment report?

Part III: How to review stock assessment report as an expert?

Chapter 3: Stock assessment for Chub mackerel in North Pacific Fisheries Commission

Part I: Protocols for CPUE standardization and stock assessment

Part II: Chub mackerel fishery in North Pacific

Part III: Operating model for Chub mackerel by NPFC

Part V: Stock Assessment model for Pacific Chub mackerel

Chapter 4 Spatially-implicit and spatiotemporal size-structured models for stock assessment of invertebrates

Part I: Basic size-structured model

Part II: Spatially-implicit size-structured model

Part III: spatiotemporal size-structured models

Part IV. Case study for stock assessment of invertebrates



Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine

Research Fellow, Research Center of International Law and Affairs for Distant Water Fisheries in China

Brief bio:

Bai Li has deep expertise in fishery science, especially species distribution modeling, fishery stock assessment, and monitoring program evaluation. She has examined the spatial variability in American lobster distribution in the Gulf of Maine and the work is critical for evaluating possible impacts of climate change on the lobster fishery. She also evaluated the effectiveness of currently used management regulations, such as minimum and maximum legal sizes, in the Maine lobster fishery. Her work also involves in evaluating the effectiveness of lobster monitoring programs in capturing the population dynamics of the lobster fishery. The work has greatly increased the efficiency of sea sampling monitoring program run by the Maine Department of Marine Resources.

Working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Maine is just part of Bai Li's work. She is also active in regional fishery management organization. She is a representative from China in North Pacific Fisheries Commission and she has been collaborating with scientists and managers in the assessment and management of Pacific saury and Chub mackerel. Because of her performance in working with scientists and managers in this inter-governmental commission, she was elected as the chair of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in 2017 and the chair of Finance and Administration Committee in 2018. She will lead process development to identify and protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean.


Assistant Professor of North Carolina State University


Ph.D., Marine Biology, University of Maine (2015)

Research Interests

My research is in the general area of quantitative fisheries ecology with an emphasis on population dynamics and ecosystem modeling. I am most interested in ecologically motivated and statistically innovative research that may improve science-based natural resource management. Specifically, I evaluate and develop quantitative techniques for assessing the past and current status of fish and invertebrate populations. This includes optimizing sampling schemes; developing more biologically realistic assessment models; estimating biological processes that vary over space and time; evaluating management strategies; and exploring how to manage marine populations in the face of climate change. The results are used to inform management decision making in US and international marine management bodies. As such, I work closely with state, federal and international natural resource agencies.


上海海洋大学师资博士后 2018年中国海洋大学毕业博士生,于2015-2017年赴美国弗吉尼亚理工大学深造,主要研究领域为种群动力学、资源评估和管理、鱼类生物学。现主要参与我国北太平洋鲐鱼资源评估、印度洋和大西洋的金枪鱼研究。

                                                                                                                                海洋科学学院   研究生院
