发布时间:2018-04-10  浏览次数: 629








4月10日(星期二) 13:30-15:30


4月10日(星期二) 18:00-20:00


4月11日(星期三) 18:00-20:00


4月12日(星期四) 18:00-20:00



Part I: Data analysis and basic statistics

Ø A general review of population dynamics, fisheries data, and stock assessment;

Ø A review of basic statistics relevant to this course including data descriptions, random variable distributions, sampling distribution, linear regression analysis, nonlinear regression, test for model significance, hypothesis testing, Type I and II errors, estimation of confidence intervals, t test, and F-test;

Ø Determining sampling sizes;

Ø Fisheries survey design;

Ø Field-survey/experiment based approaches for estimating fish population abundance;

Ø Monte Carlo methods: bootstrap and jackknife;

Part II: Fish life history process: growth, maturation, recruitment, and mortality

Ø Different rates for life history process;

Ø Von Bertalanffy growth function (most commonly used);

Ø Modeling growth for species that are difficult to age.

Ø Development of an Excel worksheet for the VBGF and growth transition matrix;

Ø Maturation process;

Ø Biological recruitment versus fisheries recruitment;

Ø Different mortality rates and their relations;

Part III: Basic fish population dynamics models

Ø Symbols used in fisheries;

Ø Catch equation;

Ø Exponential survival equation;

Part IV: Per-recruit analysis

Ø Age- and length-based yield-per-recruit analysis;

Ø Age- and length-based egg-per-recruit analysis;

Ø Estimating key management parameters from per-recruit analysis;

Part V. Assessing fisheries stocks using production model

Ø Model structure and biological implications;

Ø Process-error estimator;

Ø Observational error estimator;

Ø Management parameters;

Part VI. Stock-recruitment analysis

Ø Recruitment and spawning stock biomass;

Ø Rick model and its implications,

Ø Beverton-Holt model and its implications,

Ø Models incorporating environmental variables;

Ø Estimating management parameters in stock-recruitment analyses

Part VII. Age-structured stock assessment

Ø Virtual Population Analysis (VPA);

Ø Statistical age-structured models;

Part VIII. Biological reference points





                                                                                                              海洋科学学院  研究生院培养办公室
