1.课程名称:水产养殖基础前沿课II (课程编号:0121304)
2.主讲教师:Scott Blankenship博士 加州大学戴维斯分校研究员
William Templin 博士 美国阿拉斯加州政府渔业与野外垂钓部(DFG)基因保护实验室主任
3. 授课内容:
4月8日(Scott Blankenship)
1) Delta Smelt Effective Population Size (Ne): Applying A Fundamental Conservation Metric
2) Genetic-Based Estimates of Adult Chinook Salmon Spawner Abundance from Carcass Surveys and Juvenile Out-Migrant Traps
3) DNA Based Predator Stomach Content Analysis for Single and Multiple Prey Species
4月11日(William Templin)
“Uses of Genetic Information to Manage Harvest of Fish Resources”
(A series of 3-5 presentations providing a survey of how Alaska applies genetic information to manage its fisheries.)
4. 具体安排如下:
时间 | 地点 |
4月8日: 13:30~16:30 | 5201 |
4月11日: 18:00-20:30 | 2203 |